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Artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly improving and proving to be a reliable and attractive as business solution. Especially the travel & tourism industry is taking advantage of AI to perform various tasks. As a result, more travel & tourism businesses are leveraging AI-enabled solutions for various processes from travel planning to assisting customers at their destinations. 

Virtual assistants are becoming more skilled at creating detailed itinerary planning, while chatbots are taking on more and more customer service requests.   

Artificial intelligence advances like ChatGPT will eventually fundamentally change the way we travel. Rather it is safe to say that they already have changed the travel and tourism industry. We are using artificial intelligence to book our own flights, check our own luggage, communicate with hotel employees in languages we don’t understand, and take virtual tours of cities we’ve never seen. And the list goes on! 

Here in this article, you will find out how AI has transformed the travel & tourism industry, with use cases. We will also go over the developments in AI that travel & tourism businesses need to be updated on to have an advantage over their competitors. 


AI is rapidly transforming the travel and tourism industry inside-out. With the rise of AI technology, many travel and tourism businesses have been implementing AI in almost all areas of the travel and tourism industry, from booking hotels or flights to providing personalized itinerary recommendations for destinations. The main reason driving the fast adoption of AI in the travel and tourism industry is that it has enabled more efficient operations for hotels, airlines, and other travel and tourism companies. And all this has resulted in improved services for users and increased revenues for travel and tourism businesses. 

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council report, AI and machine learning might increase the global economy of the travel and tourism sector by $1 trillion by 2025. According to the study, AI-enabled technologies like adaptive personalization, automated customer service, voice recognition, virtual reality, and facial recognition are all anticipated to become more widespread in the near future.   

Businesses in the tourism and hospitality industries are benefiting from the operational efficiency provided by these AI technologies. AI-driven solutions can be used to automate various aspects like flights or hotel booking for flights, customer service, marketing, and sales. These solutions can help organizations save time and money while giving their customers better services.   

The ability of AI to offer customized recommendations to travelers is the main reason why it is becoming more and more significant in the travel and tourism industry. AI-driven platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Home by leveraging this feature of AI provide customized recommendations for destinations, restaurants, and hotels based on individual user preferences. These platforms can also be used to make travel arrangements, explore local attractions, and even provide local assistance to travelers.   

All things considered, it is obvious that AI technology is already having a substantial effect on travel and tourism businesses, and this trend is expected to continue. Travelers may expect higher-quality services and more personalized recommendations for future trips as AI-driven features become increasingly common. 


AI technology is here to transform the entire market, especially to revolutionize the travel and tourism industry. If we talk about some major benefits of using AI travel and tourism industry, it may include enhanced efficiency, lower costs, and improved customer experiences.  

Here are a few of the benefits of adopting artificial intelligence in travel and tourism: 

Personalized experience: 

AI is indeed intelligent, as it can easily and quickly analyze customer data to provide personalized recommendations to customers, which improves customer satisfaction and loyalty. The AI algorithm analyzes the data to make decisions based on this information. These algorithms are capable of carrying out operations that ordinarily need human intellect, such as pattern recognition, comprehension of language, problem-solving, and decision-making. With the advent of AI the workload as well as time to complete a task has significantly reduced. 

Increased efficiency: 

AI-enabled chatbots can handle customer queries efficiently and provide real-time support too, reducing the workload of customer service agents and improving customer satisfaction. This makes them time efficient for the customers in solving their queries to plan a vacation easily.  

Automated Processes:

In the travel and tourism sector, AI can be employed to automate manual tasks like making restaurant recommendations and hotel and flight reservations. Businesses can do this to save time and money, as well as cut down on errors during processing. 

Improved Security:

AI may also be used to improve security in the travel and tourism industry by identifying frauds and malicious behavior in time to protect users. For instance, AI-driven facial recognition systems at airports can assist in making sure that only authorized individuals have access to secure areas. 

Accurate Predictions:

The travel and tourism sector businesses may leverage AI-driven data to generate precise forecasts about customer demand and pricing. As a result, they can better manage resources and plan their marketing strategy. 

Cost savings: 

AI algorithms can boost productivity, avoid wastage of resources, and increase business revenue, which helps travel agencies save money. The smart delivery of data with the help of AI makes it simple to estimate the cost of trip packages.  

Businesses in the travel and tourism industry can improve productivity, cut costs, and offer better customer service by utilizing AI. Future use cases for AI are expected to be even more creative as the technology develops and becomes more advanced. 


Smart booking assistants have become a must-have for the travel and tourism industry in today’s digital world. Customers can easily look up the necessary information, book travel or hotels, find discounts and offers, and even get personalized recommendations for their vacation trip using AI-powered chatbots in a couple of clicks.  

According to Ubisend survey, 48% of consumers don’t care if the source of their information is from bots or call centers. Travelers now have faster access than ever to the information they require to make wise decisions thanks to chatbot technology.   

Front-Desk Robots at the Henn na Hotel in Tokyo began in 2015 with 40 employees. However, it didn’t last long because they were able to reduce their workforce to only seven people and replace the rest with humanoid robots.   

Of course, technology isn’t quite ready to take the place of people all together in the travel and tourism industry. Only major brands and players currently have the financial means to purchase such expensive AI-driven technology. However, since robots have already shown that they can undertake ordinary activities, we may expect that soon small businesses will also become more interested in AI technology for travel and tourism as the costs fall. 

Personalized recommendations are a major advantage for the travel and tourism industry enabled by AI. Big data and machine learning have enabled businesses to provide personalized user experiences. Customers are likely to be shown options based on their prior preferences and interests thanks to predictive analytics. This improves their entire user experience while also assisting them in finding the best offers for them. 

Flight forecasting systems take advantage of machine learning algorithms to forecast airline prices in real time. The AI-generated real-time prices allow customers to get the best deals for their trip. Furthermore, AI helps with pricing comparison and trip planning for travelers. 

Facial recognition technology is currently used at airports to speed up the check-in process, thus reducing the time spent standing and waiting in queue.  

Baggage handling robot systems have also been automated for customer convenience thanks to robotics and AI. These tools make it much easier to locate lost luggage because they can automatically track and find lost luggage. 

Self-service kiosks with robotized technology are becoming increasingly popular in airports and hotels and help in quicker check-in and check-out processes by customers themselves.  

AI-Powered Revenue Management is the process of effectively selling a product to the client that actually needs it, at the best price and at the right time. Because it is a data-driven field, artificial intelligence may be useful in assisting persons working in the travel and tourism sector to maximize their revenue. 

AI streamlines the process of sorting through all the data that is available. Existing reservations, the rooms or seats available, upcoming events, and previous information on demand levels at the same time of the year might all be included. The AI can then automatically modify pricing and distribution plans to maximize revenue.  

AI has many advantages for customers as well as companies in the travel and tourism industries. Travel is now simpler and more effective than ever thanks to AI, which also enhances the customer experience.   

AI is completely changing the way we travel, from AI-enabled smart booking assistants to facial recognition technology, the travel and tourism industry has evolved a lot. 


The travel and tourism business has been significantly impacted by AI, which has revolutionized consumer experience and simplified procedures.   

The tourism and travel industry is seeing a rise in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) as businesses strive to improve productivity and provide customers with better services. For travel and tourism companies, AI and ML technologies open up a wide range of opportunities to improve client experiences and increase efficiency. 

AI and ML can be used to speed up the booking process, for example, by creating chatbots that can assist customers and answer their inquiries. AI can also assist in the analysis of customer data to develop highly customized experiences based on their preferences and interests. Additionally, travel and tourism businesses can use AI to automatically track and monitor customer service complaints, hence enhancing customer satisfaction.  

AI and machine learning (ML) are also being used to improve travel and tourism companies’ search engine optimization (SEO). With the help of AI-driven SEO technologies, it is now simpler than ever to target those users who are most likely to make a purchase by customizing online content to their preferences. 

Forecasting is another significant use of AI and ML in the travel and tourism industry. Airlines, airports, and hotel chains all employ AI-powered forecasting systems to predict customer demand and manage it appropriately. In order to reduce customer delays, AI models can also be used to forecast aircraft delays and recommend alternate routes. 


The price of implementing AI in the travel and tourism industry may vary depending on the size and scope of the project.   

Only large digital businesses, like Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, could previously afford to create AI-enabled software and services. The cost of implementing AI has decreased as a result of the development of numerous public tools, libraries, and frameworks that have increased its accessibility to startups and small-scale businesses.   

With Swing2App you can create a no-code app for your travel and tourism business for free and publish it on the app stores starting from $33/month. Read more about Swing2App’s price policy. 

The benefits of AI in the travel and tourism industry significantly outweigh the costs. Working with AI solution providers, contracting out development, and utilizing free and open-source AI libraries can all help to lower the cost of implementing AI. 


Customers today have a strong preference for using smartphones than websites to successfully book tickets, and hotels or track their trip status. This is the main reason why more and more travel and tourism companies are looking to get on the phones of their customers. For this travel and tourism companies have started using the use of Progressive Web Apps together with the vast array of internal APIs. PWA mobile apps allow mobile access, push notifications, and other features that allow better access to your travel and tourism business to users. The user may now choose their flight, hotel, and other travel details with ease, and book air tickets from a choice of providers that suit their needs. 


Swing2App is a no-code app-building platform where anyone creates free apps without any coding at all! If you already have a website for your travel & tourism business, creating an app is like a walk in the park with Siwing2App no-code app builder. All you have to do is insert your website URL on the Swing2App website to the app converter platform, and your website will be converted into an app within 5 minutes. 

However, you can also create apps from scratch as well as template-based apps with Swing2App no-code app builder. 

Checkout the following Swing2App pre-built templates to create a travel & tourism App from scratch. 

These pre-built templates are easily editable and anyone without any coding knowledge can create an app in much less time and cost as compared to traditional app development. 

Benefits of Swing2App no-code app builder for the travel and tourism industry: 

1. Industry-specific templates 

2. Pre-coded features 

3. Push-notifications 

4. Create apps in different languages 

5. Users prefer an app over the website for booking 

6. Payment gateways for easy and secure transactions 

7. Access to device features like camera, geolocation, etc. 

8. Eco-friendly- paperless 

9. Get user feedback 

The transformation of AI along with the no-code revolution is the future of app development. 

Be part of the future now by joining Swing2App’s no-code app builder! 


In conclusion, there has been a boom in AI applications across the travel and tourism sectors. We’ve talked about some well-known uses of AI and how they work in this post. As mentioned, there are various methods travelers and travel and tourism businesses may use AI to make the trip effective and easy while retaining client satisfaction at a greater level, whether it be by air or water.  

Companies may offer personalized services, cut expenses, and streamline processes to stay ahead of the competition by utilizing these AI trends. AI will become more and more important in determining the direction of the travel and tourism sector as it develops. 

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