monthly archives: September 2023

Struggling with your push notifications? Discover 10 common push notifications mistakes and how to steer clear of them for a better experience.  Have you ever been rudely awakened by the relentless beeping of your phone, only to find it’s just another promotional message or an app notification? These nuisances can lead to app uninstalls and […]

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Cross-platform apps are an ideal choice for app developers looking to develop an app for both iOS & Android platforms. However, software developers often face a dilemma: which is better – cross-platform or native applications?  With cross-platform applications, developers can reach a broader audience (both Android and iOS) with their products. On the other hand, […]

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Mobile app vs. Tablet app development, which one is better for your business? Choosing between mobile vs tablet app development is one of the first questions that comes into your mind when you are looking to build an app for your business. Since mobile and tablet apps are poles apart mainly in terms of User […]

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The process of turning an app idea into a reality and getting your app published in app stores can often be complex and intimidating, especially for those without coding knowledge or technical expertise. However, with the emergence of no-code app development platforms like Swing2App no-code app maker, the app publishing process has been simplified and […]

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With so many free apps available on Play Store and App Store, how are they able to earn if their apps are free to download? For the majority of apps, the answer is in-app purchases.  Often people download an app for free, but in order to truly experience the entire app they need to spend […]

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In recent years, with the rise of free app builders, more and more businesses are opting for these free app builders. But you might be thinking is a free app builder the right choice for you? What are the pros and cons of choosing a free app builder for creating an app for your business?  […]

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Do you have an amazing app idea but no idea how to build an app?  Mobile apps are on the rise as they offer the best way to convert, retain, and engage your customers by providing constant connectivity.  If you want to build a mobile app there are several options: hire an app developing agency, […]

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Do you want to create an education app for your education startup or digital learning course? In this era of exponential growth in the EdTech market, it makes sense to create an education app.  If you want to learn anything, all you need to do is open an app on your phone (like Duolingo for […]

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Modern app development technologies like no-code/low-code, generative AI (Artificial Intelligence), machine learning, and others are transforming the landscape of app development. The drawbacks of legacy app development are somewhat overcome by modern app development solutions, so now is the right time to shift from traditional legacy app development and switch to modern app development solutions.  […]

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Starting a business in 2023 needn’t be overwhelming. As a new entrepreneur when you are just starting your first startup there’s a lot to think about, but the major issue is the money. The cost of starting a business in 2023 depends on a variety of factors, such as whether you can afford it, if […]

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